생산성연구실에서는 꾸준히 연구결과물을 발표하고 있습니다.
Selected Publications
Jung, S., Yoon, J., Talluri, S., Kim, C*. (2025). Effectiveness of ambidextrous strategy over the company’s life cycle: Evidence from Korean SMEs, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, (Forthcoming).
Shin, .J., Kim, Y., Kim, C*. (2025). Firm Performance and Innovation Efficiency by Innovation Type in the Korean Logistics Industry. International Journal of Transport Economics: Rivista internazionale di economia dei trasporti, (Forthcoming).
Kang, S., Shin, J., Kim, YS., & Kim, C*. (2025). Cost and Quality Priorities, Technological Uncertainty, and Green Innovation: An Empirical Study of Manufacturing Firms in South Korea. Asia Pacific Business Review, (Forthcoming).
Jung, S., Shin, J., & Kim, C*. (2024). A study on the operational and competitive efficiency of National Oil Companies using two-stage network DEA model. Operations Management Research, 1-15.
Kim, C-S., Choi, J-W., Seo, Y-J*., & Kim, C. (2024). The International comparison of Maritime Logistics Efficiency for 29 Major Coastal Countries. International Journal of Transport Economics: Rivista internazionale di economia dei trasporti: LI, 1/2, 2024, 37-64.
Kim, C., Shin, J., Yang, H., Bang, D., & Verma, R*. (2024). Strategy Divergence and Performance Polarization in the Hotel Industry. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, (Forthcoming).
Shin, S. M., Chung, K., & Kim, C*. (2024). The Effects of Homegrown Rule on Efficiency of Sports Teams: Evidence from the English Premier League. Service Science, 16(3), 143-154.
Kang, H. J., Kim, C*., & Choi, K. (2024). Combining bootstrap data envelopment analysis with social networks for rank discrimination and suitable potential benchmarks. European Journal of Operational Research, 312(1), 283-297.
Shin, J., Kim, Y., Son, J., & Kim, C*. (2023). Is there a difference in innovation performance depending on the investment in each stage of development process? Evidence from medical device industry. IEEE Access, 11, 92092-92099.
Shin, J., Yang, H., & Kim, C*. (2023). The relationship between climate and energy consumption: The case of South Korea. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 45(3), 6456-6471.
Kang, H. J., Kim, C*., & Son, J. (2022). Measuring Local Economy Efficiency With Two-Stage Bootstrap DEA: Evidence From Municipal Currency in South Korea. International Journal of Software Innovation, 10(1), 1-14.
Wang, C., Kim, Y., & Kim, C*. (2022). Are all CSR activities in your SNS authentic? The antecedents and outcomes of consumer perceived authenticity of CSR. Sage Open, 12(4).
Shin, J., Kim, Y. J., Jung, S., & Kim, C*. (2022). Product and service innovation: Comparison between performance and efficiency. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 7(3), 100191.
Kim, C., & Chung, K*. (2022). Measuring customer satisfaction and hotel efficiency analysis: An approach based on data envelopment analysis. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 63(2), 257-266.
Kim, S. Y., Kim, C*., & Kang, H. J. (2022). Disproving the Sophomore Slump Using Data Envelopment Analysis--Focusing on English Premier League's 2014/2015 to 2018/2019 Seasons. International Journal of Sport Finance, 17(1).
Kim, C., Kang, H. J., Chung, K*., & Choi, K. (2021). COVID-19 and hotel productivity changes: An empirical analysis using Malmquist productivity index. Service Science, 13(4), 243-257.
Choi, K., Kang, H. J., & Kim, C*. (2021). Evaluating the efficiency of Korean festival tourism and its determinants on efficiency change: Parametric and non-parametric approaches. Tourism Management, 86, 104348.
Kim, C., & Kim, H. J*. (2019). A study on healthcare supply chain management efficiency: Using bootstrap data envelopment analysis. Health care management science, 22, 534-548.
Kim, C., & Shin, W. S*. (2019). Does information from the higher education and R&D institutes improve the innovation efficiency of logistic firms?. The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, 35(1), 70-76.
Kim, C., Yang, H*., & Kim, S. W. (2018). Optimal baggage sorting rule to reduce waiting time in baggage claim. Service Business, 12, 435-451.
Choi, K., Kim, C., & Kim, H. J*. (2017). Multi-Period efficiency and productivity changes in global Automobile: A VRS–VRM and SML productivity index approach. Expert Systems with Applications, 86, 77-86.
Kim, C., & Kim, S*. (2016). Measuring the operational efficiency of individual theme park attractions. SpringerPlus, 5, 1-9.
Kim, C., Lee, S*., & Kim, S. W. (2016). Surviving in the Red Ocean: measuring factors for business excellence among coffee franchises in Korea. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 27(7-8), 761-774.